Space Planning

Brilliant design starts with expert space plans. Without the proper blueprints in place, no amount of marble will ever do justice. Jozee wields magic to any given space size utilizing every last inch to maximize the design. Watch the square footage come alive as your space is transformed to match your vision.


The facade of your structure is the face of what lies therein. Jozee boasts a collection of unique, traditional and stylish facades crafted for many structure types and styles. From multi family units to single homes and everything in between, Jozee knows facades and match the impression you are trying to convey

3D design

we craft compelling 3D renderings of the project so you get to see a live depiction of what’s to come. This helps you envision your project before you even begin construction.


Lighting is an essential ingredient when you’re decorating a room. You need more than one source of light in a room. Every room should have a mix of lighting, including overhead, accent and task lights.

Paint colors

When choosing your paint colors we consider the shape of your space, the quality of the light and the function of the space this helps us decide which colors are best to use for that space.

Furniture planning

We select the most quality furniture masterpieces to suit your needs. Every piece of furniture should reflect the style of your space. We take into consideration the shape, material, color, theme, placement & size.